Thursday, March 4, 2010

Help me

Hi Guys !!
I am trying to find myself...the truth is I am confused.From last three days I don't know what I am doing, some times I felt that I am busy in doing nothing. :(
I plane so many things early in the morning but at the end of the day I think I am doing nothing in an organise way.I am doing my all daily bailiwicks but not in a proper way.My mind constantly thinks unnecessary things which is far from real world anyway please send suggestion and send me wake up song.Hope I will be back to normal soon:(


  1. Hi ...
    Long time you didn't write in your blog..
    Hope every thing is fine ..
    Is the problem still to now ?

    And I wonder if you don't mind what is the meaning of your name ( VIBGYOR )?

    See yaa ...

  2. My name is Bhavin. VIBGYOR is short form of seven colors. It goes like this...

    V= Violet
    I= Indigo
    B= Blue
    G= Green
    Y= Yellow
    o= Orange
    R= Red

    THis are the seven colors or rainbow.

    I select this title because life is colorful [like me ] it’s full with the shades of happiness and sorrow. All this seven colors demonstrate the different shades of life like romance, peace, happiness, angriness. Inspiration etc so VIBGYOR is a symbol of all this shades.

  3. Hi...
    I never thought the meaning will be like this ...
    Thank you for answering me ...

    See yaa..
