Sunday, December 12, 2010

Musical Relationship

We meet many people in our life few takes place in our head n few takes in our heart. We remember them with different taste, with some we share sweet memories and with others we share bitter.
But I come a cross very unique relationship with one person. We met but not…we know each other but we don’t know each other…we not even share a word with each other face to face.
She visited our school 2/3 years before when our school hosted CBSE cluster for Table Tennis. During this short period of time I observe her sharply and according to me she is very much focused, smart, clever and practical.
Long time passed, one day in FB I got friend request from her, Her profile picture was unclear but her name buzz my mind and heart. I recognized her within a fraction of second. I felt very much special and start also thinking that is she till remembers me?
Than I send message on her id do you remember me? And she reply yes …Biology teacher who use to sing a song  .That y I give title’ musical relationship’ to this post.She became very special person for me.

Here I publish one sweet poem written by her. She tells it’s a poem about a special person meet in life; may be a friend or a lover or a teacher or just any person who captivates our heart and mind. After coming across such people we fall in love with everything that happens around us.

"The Charismatic Soul"

Merriness, happiness

Cloud the ether

The magic of a smile

The music of words

The grace of a touch

And then the bud blossoms

The warmth of the eyes

The sympathy of a heart

The gestures of the mind

And then the flower lets out its fragrance

Though chill escorts the new season

Life is still a thing of beauty

The autumn leaves have paved their way

Only to welcome this blessed spirit

Who through the darkness of the winter

But with the sparkle of the dew

Has disembarked here

To emanate radiance

To fall in love

All over again...

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