Sunday, June 5, 2011


Enjoy being in sorrow
Sorrow exists because we enjoy being in that state. We like it, because our mind becomes one-pointed in sorrow, which is something does not happened in happiness. When you are faced with sorrow, your mind jumps into sorrow and sticks to it like glue. Although we desire happiness, we enjoy being in sorrow. The mind is attracted towards sorrow, because it attains pratyahara, withdrawl of the sense from every experience other than sorrow. Sorrow causes a powerful jolt, whereas in happiness this jolt does not occur. Therefore, sorrow, not happiness, induces pratyhara. The jolt of death is more powerful than the pangs of birth. Sorrow is an intense and powerful experience. Happiness is a mild experience. The mind is immersed in sorrow and then gets carried away by it.
According to the psychology and medical science, when a man is affected by sorrow, certain channels of the brain are influenced, and they produce a certain secretion. When this secretion enters the bloodstream, it produces a state of depression which lowers the stress on the heart. This does not happened in happiness. Happiness excites and increases the pressure on heart.

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