Sunday, August 14, 2011

Good in Bad Emotions

Every emotion that has been given to us by nature has a specific function whether it is anger,jealousy,ego,self-pity.

It is against the basic principal of nature to hand us anything which cannot be put to good use.The catch is that these emotions,like everything else should be used in moderation and for the specific purpose for which they were meant.Only when they are over-used do they become negative.

#1. Case Of Anger :

It plays an important role in our lives.It saves us from other people's wrongs and motivates us to take remedial action.

When M.K.Gandhi was thrown out of a train in South Africa,he must have felt angry---This anger is what helped him to embark on a journey that course of Indian history.It was that way he expressed his anger and the actual channelisation of his emotions that is important.

When a man of understanding uses certain emotions for the larger good,how can we label the emotions,negative?

#2. Case Of Jealousy

Jealousy is another emotion which helps us to elevate ourselves to better positions.It makes us compare ourselves with people who have attained something better in life.Jealousy when used to coax ourselves to do better in life is not wrong,but when this same emotion is used to hurt others,it can play havoc.

#3. Case Of Ego

We label ego .is self-respect gone berserk.Ego helps us to find our individuality and position in society.It stops people from treating us as doormats.

#4. Case Of Self-pity

Self-pity is labelled as devilish by everybody.I disagree completely.It helps us ascertain whether it is only we who are responsible for the mess in our lives or whether outside circumstances,people,and places have played a role.It is up to us how we put to use a certain emotion bestowed upon us by nature.Let us then elevate ourselves to the level where we can find goodness in things that have been labeled bad.

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