Saturday, March 10, 2012

Birth and Death

My cousine brother passed away in Australia on 03.03.2012. We all celebrate her death with consiousness by doing the things which he was like.


Birth and death both are nothing but an instrument because both birth and death are false.We are exsit before our birth so how can we say that birth is right? We will be exsit after our death so how can we say that death is true?

Only one thing is True – Our Consiousness because it comes with us when we are born and it goes when we are death.

So birth and death both are nothing but a one gate and may be both are same.


M aha Mrutyunjay Mantra In Voice Of Great classsical Maestro Pandit Jasraj

This video translate Maha Mrutyunjay mantra simply and perfectly.

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